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Ayurvedic Self-Massage for Winter

Massage or Abhyanga as it is called in Ayurveda, is an integral part of winter health care. Whole body massage with suitable oil can be done in any season of the year. However, due to cold and increased dryness in winters, a good self- massage is a must-do winter routine.Ayurveda encourages people to learn the technique of self- massage which can save them both time, as well as money.

Benefits of Self-Massage

The benefits of massage go deeper than just improving the health of our skin and hair. When done correctly, massage helps to improve circulation of both blood and lymph in our body. Massage helps in balancing body weight. Meaning, it helps in reducing weight in people who are overweight, and promotes healthy weight gain in those that are underweight. Massage helps in de-stressing and relaxing by stimulating the production of ‘happy-hormones’ a.k.a endorphins. Good massage relieves tiredness and improves energy levels. Also, massage is the best way of promoting healthy sleep.

Massage helps to prevent premature aging and age related skin changes like wrinkles and pigmentation. It is the best therapy for hair related conditions like hair-loss, greying and premature balding. Health issues like tension headaches, migraines, constipation, abdominal boating, menstrual cramps, joint pain, myalgia, muscle weakness etc. can be relieved by regular massage.

Also, apart from its great health benefits, the quite down-time that we get during self-massage is a great way of reconnecting with our own self.

Massage in Child health

Massage has also been an integral part of child health-care in Ayurveda. Parents and family members should make massage a regular health routine for children of all ages. It is especially helpful in children who suffer from failure to thrive and poor weight gain. Also, regular massage helps in promoting healthy digestion, immunity, healthy skin, joints and strong bones, healthy growth and development in children. Also, for children who suffer from disorders of growth and development, mental and physical retardation, learning disabilities, ADHD etc, the benefits of a good daily massage are unparalleled.

Choosing Massage oils

Choosing the right kind of oil for massage is the first step towards getting optimum benefits of your massage routine. The oils that can be used depending on your Dosha body type are-

Kapha body type-

  • Sesame seed oil
  • Almond oil
  • Mustard oil

Pitta body type-

  • Sesame seed oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Chandan bala lakshadi Taila (oil)

Vata body type-

  • Sesame seed oil
  • Olive oil
  • Almond oil
  • Dashamoola Taila (oil)
  • Ashwagandha- Bala Taila
  • Mahanarayan Taila
A drop or two of Aromatherapy essential oils can also be added to the warm massage oil, for a true spa-like experience, in the comfort of your own house and at a fraction of cost. Essential oils like Chamomile oil, Lavender oil, Sandalwood oil etc blend well in the massage oils.

The technique of correct self- massage

Self- massage can be done in the morning or in the evening. Doing a self- massage every day is ideal. However, for those who find it difficult to pack in a massage on busy days, can try to do it at least two to three times a week for optimum benefits. Massage should be done for at least 15 min. Wait for 15 to 20 min before you head for bath.

Massage oils need to warmed- up before using. Use copper or steel bowls, as they complement the qualities of oils. Massage oils need to be heated using indirect heat. Directly heating the oils can deplete their health benefits. For warming up the oils, leave the bowl containing the oil in a sauce pan or a pot that has hot (and not boiling water) for 10 to 15 minutes. When the oil is warm to touch, remove and use immediately for massage.

Check out the detail and easy to follow instructions for self-massage at-


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