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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Ayurvedic Treatment

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is the single most, frequent and serious infection encountered by women. It's an infection of the reproductive organs of a woman, where-in,there is an ascending infection from the cervix to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and the surrounding structures.

PID afflicts more than 1 million women each year in the US and generates annual health care costs of approximately 4.2 billion dollars.It is responsible for nearly 250,000 hospitalizations per year.
Unfortunately, i could not get hold of data in India on this subject.

A patient suffering from PID may have any of the following symptoms: -Lower abdominal pain -Back pain -Abnormal terine bleeding -Unusual or heavy vaginal discharge -Vaginal odor -Painful urination -Painful sexual intercourse. Certain symptoms that are not related to the reproductive system may also occur like fever, nausea and vomiting. It is often observed that the symptoms worsen at the end of the menstrual period and the first few days after the menstrual period.Over a period of time, PID can have serious effects on a woman's reproductive health. Several long-term sequelae have been clearly associated with this disease like:
• Ectopic pregnancy rates are 12-15% higher in women who have had an episode of pelvic inflammatory disease.
•Tubal occlusion with infertility occurs at a rate of 12-50% in these patients, increasing with each episode of pelvic inflammatory disease.
•Chronic pelvic pain has been associated with pelvic inflammatory disease at an incidence as high as 18% after a single episode of the disease.

Although PID can occur at any age, women under 25 years of age are at greatest risk.PID is difficult to diagnose because of its non specific symptoms and signs. Many episodes of PID may thus go unrecognized. But, since this disease, even in its mild and atypical forms, it has a potential to permanently damage the reproductive health of a woman. Family physicians should maintain a low threshold for the diagnosis of PID.

Ayurvedic Treatment for PID:
According Ayurveda PID is a disorder due to vitiation of pitta and vata doshas. Depending on the signs and symptoms shown by the patient the line of treatment should be decided.
Heavy uterine bleeding and unusual vaginal discharge:Patients with heavy uterine bleeding, unusual vaginal discharge and odor can be treated with single herb combinations like Ashoka (Saraca ashoka), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), Dhataki (Woodfordia floribunda), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Lajjalu (Mimosa pudica), Yashtimadhu (Glycerrizha glabra), Pippali (Piper longum), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Patha (Cissampelos pareira), Nagakeshar (Messua ferrea), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Tanduliyaka (Amaranthus polygamus)etc. given internally in the form of churna (dry powder) or kwatha (decoctions). Praval bhasma, Suvarnamakshika bhasma, Vanga bhasma, Trivanga bhasma, Mandur bhasma, Sphatika churna etc.

When combined with the above given herbs are beneficial in treating heavy uterine bleeding.Medicines like Pushyanuga churna, Pravalapanchamrita rasa, Tapyadi loha, Kamadudha rasa, Shatavari ghrita taken internally are effecctive in treating the heavy uterine bleeding in patients of PID. These medications should be taken twenty to thirty minutes before food,as this timing (i.e before food) is beneficial especially in pelvic disorders.Painful urination:Patients experiencing painful urination should be treated with single herbs like Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Usheer (Vetiveria zizanoides), Chandan (Santalum album) given internally. Trinpanchamula kwatha, Gokshuradi guggulu, Chandraprabha vati, Chadrakala rasa are compound medicines that can relieve painful urination.Back pain:Back pain is one of the commonest and most troublesome symptom experienced by the patients of PID. Single herbs that relieve back pain are Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Bala (Cida cordifolia), Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata), Shatavari ( Asparagus racemosus) etc. Medicines like Yogaraja guggulu, Chandraprabha vati, Kaishore guggulu, Amritadi guggulu, Dashamoola kwatha are effective in treating back pain associated with PID.

Improving the patient's immune status helps greately in controlling pelvic inflammation. Medicines like Mahayogaraja and Yogaraja guggulu, Amritadi guggulu, Chandraprabha vati, Arogyavardhini vati, Laghumalini vasant rasa, Tapyadi loha, Triphala guggulu etc. are extremely beneficial in improving immunity specifically in cases of PID. Also, they help in preventing the serious sequelae of PID and its recurrence.


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