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Showing posts from 2011

Ayurvedic Self-Massage for Winter

Massage or Abhyanga as it is called in Ayurveda, is an integral part of winter health care. Whole body massage with suitable oil can be done in any season of the year. However, due to cold and increased dryness in winters, a good self- massage is a must-do winter routine.Ayurveda encourages people to learn the technique of self- massage which can save them both time, as well as money. Benefits of Self-Massage The benefits of massage go deeper than just improving the health of our skin and hair. When done correctly, massage helps to improve circulation of both blood and lymph in our body. Massage helps in balancing body weight. Meaning, it helps in reducing weight in people who are overweight, and promotes healthy weight gain in those that are underweight. Massage helps in de-stressing and relaxing by stimulating the production of ‘happy-hormones’ a.k.a endorphins. Good massage relieves tiredness and improves energy levels. Also, massage is the best way of promoting healthy sleep. Mas...

Lead contamination in Vitamin D Supplements for Women and Children

Winters are here - Hello rain, cold, endless long - warm, happy sunlight !! Boosting Vitamin D rich foods in your diet, and taking supplements to make for deficits is crucial during winters. Especially, in places like- Beaverton-Oregon where we live, sunlight is a rare commodity during winters. Contamination of lead in vitamin D is being evaluated as a major issue by US FDA. Choosing a safe supplement for yourself and your kid is a mind bending task, given the confusing and enticing nature of advertisements of vitamin supplements. Click on the link given below to see the US FDA report on levels of lead contamination in leading vitamin brand for kids and women.

Spice –up your immunity this winter!

Winter or ‘shishir Ritu’ is the best season of the year to work on boosting your body’s immunity. Our digestion, energy and stamina are at their zenith in winter season. Also, for those who suffer from poor health due to imbalance of dosha (energies) and dhatu (tissues); winter season is the most ideal season to reinstate your internal balance, strengthen your digestion, natural detoxification processes of the body and immunity. Lowered immunity and dysfunctions of immunity can give rise to a plethora of diseases. Various respiratory, nasal (hay fever) and skin allergies, food allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, thyroid disorders, certain fertility related disorders like anti-sperm antibodies and an endless list of dis-eases can hold roots in our body, due to weak immune system. Ayurveda has put focus on many therapies, as well herbs that strengthen our immune system. Nature of therapies and herbs, depends on the body type of the individual, as well as on ...

Spice –up your immunity this winter!

Winter or ‘shishir Ritu’ is the best season of the year to work on boosting your body’s immunity. Our digestion, energy and stamina are at their zenith in winter season. Also, for those who suffer from poor health due to imbalance of dosha (energies) and dhatu (tissues); winter season is the most ideal season to reinstate your internal balance, strengthen your digestion, natural detoxification processes of the body and immunity. Lowered immunity and dysfunctions of immunity can give rise to a plethora of diseases. Various respiratory, nasal (hay fever) and skin allergies, food allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, thyroid disorders, certain fertility related disorders like anti-sperm antibodies and an endless list of dis-eases can hold roots in our body, due to weak immune system. Ayurveda has put focus on many therapies, as well herbs that strengthen our immune system. Nature of therapies and herbs, depends on the body type of the individual, as well as on ...

Ayurvedic Solutions to Winter Depression

Dull, damp and dreary days are here and they are here to stay for quite a while.November gremlins are lurking everywhere and you never know when they will get to you. Sun is the biggest source of positive energies and Sattva guna in our world. It drives away Tamas i.e. darkness, which is the root cause of depression. Shorter days and lack of sunlight during winters, change our circadian rhythm making us prone to being depressed. Winter depression is a type of seasonal affective disorders (disorders which develop due to environmental changes of seasons). It is more common in women than in men. Whether it’s a full blown depression (as a disorder) or occasional bouts of depressed moods; proper care needs to be taken to ensure health and happiness even during these bleakest times of the year. What are the signs of winter depression? Decreased level of energy Difficulty concentrating Fatigue Increase in appetite Increased desire to be alone Increased need for sleep Weight gain Which peopl...