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Showing posts from July, 2016

Most Effective Diet rules for Weight Loss with PCOS

Weight loss with PCOS is difficult beyond description. Way beyond the adjectives of herculean task, uphill climb and all others that you can use. Hence, I prefer not to use any adjectives. It’s tough alright! In fact, losing mind, hope and patience happens much sooner than losing weight in PCOS. I witness my PCOS patients struggle with weight loss every single day. PCOS is a complex metabolic disorder which makes weight easy to gain and hard to lose. After years of working with PCOS patients, I would like to share 3 diet rules that work for real. Here are three rules that have worked for every single PCOS patient that I have worked with for healthy, sustained and successful weight loss. 1.         Breakfast matters When you eat your breakfast is as important as what you eat for breakfast! Eating your breakfast within 30-45 minutes of waking is extremely important for optimum insulin functions and weight loss (Insulin resistance- an imbalance of...