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Showing posts from 2010

Why No One Bans The Parabens?

My sister has just delivered a baby girl and what a joy this little 2 point something has brought to our lives! She is three weeks old now, and has probably started developing evening colic. My sister called me to ask, if she could give her a very popular brand of gripe water (W*******s). This particular brand is doted on by Indian media for its ability to calm down even the fussiest of babies, since many generations. I had never used this product personally or in my practice, as I am little wary about the safety of these products. I requested her to read me the contents or composition of this gripe water. Starting with the extracts of few herbs that are indeed good for relieving colic, she completed the list with two preservatives- Methyl and Propyl Paraben. I was shocked to find these dangerous chemicals lurking in a product that is blindly trusted by so many parents. I told her to return the bottle or to dispose it and warned her not to even bring it near her daughter; leave alone f...

Food for thought!

I often flinch when someone says my body or my so and so organ is ill or I need to get my so and so system checked. At a superficial level there is nothing wrong with this statement but it reflects our supposition about our own self. Our understanding of ourselves has been so altered and influenced by the current medical practices that we often fail to acknowledge most of the times that we are not just our body, or a walking specimen of various systems put together. Even those who do appreciate the existence of mind and soul within us are not aware about the tremendous force that binds these three elements together. To the extent that, one element cannot remain unaffected when the other element is suffering especially the body and the mind. All our bodily imbalances have similar impacts on our mind and vice versa. Hence No disease can be just physical or just psychological in nature. One good example of this is the complex association seen between the co-existence of Celiac disease- an...

Cost Effective Alternative to Genetic Fingerprinting!

Biochemical imbalances and genetic vulnerability can increase the risks of many diseases like obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and even cancer. The number of people affected by these diseases, which are mainly related to a faulty lifestyle, is increasing at an alarming rate. Also, the number of people who have a genetic pre-disposition to develop these diseases is still higher. As mentioned earlier, these diseases and many more that we see today have their roots in faulty lifestyle which is, improper food habits, lack of exercise, stress and overload of environmental toxins. Hence medicines alone cannot cure these diseases and neither can they prevent them. A recent study demonstrates that integrative interventions focusing on diet, exercise, Yoga and meditation can reverse the disease conditions permanently. Moreover, these lifestyle programs can correct the biochemical imbalances in an individual and can alter one’s susceptibility to diseases by alterin...

Can Health Drinks and Breakfast Cerals Make Yoour Child Stronger, Taller or Smarter?

The market for health drinks like Boost, Bournvita, Complan and breakfast cereals like Kellogg’s are booming. Is it because their claims about making our kids stronger, smarter, taller are genuine or is it because we parents are blinded and fooled by their flashy advertisements and lured by their shiny packaging? Parents of my young patients always asked me as to which health drinks they should prefer for their kids. And I always insisted that they should rather rely on good home-made, healthy food and not on packaged health drinks. Even though my patients trusted every bit of advice I gave them, I could see that they got totally confused when I told them this. How could they not give a health drink to their child, when everyone else does? Giving health drinks to children has become a global phenomenon, thanks to the smart heads in the R&D of these companies, who come up with witty and catchy by lines and brainwashing advertisements. We cannot blame them entirely, as there are a ...

Back in Action !!

To all my blog readers - I have been out of action for sometime due to my hectic schedules of medical practice, yoga and social work, along with taking care of my naughty kid :) However, going forward, i would be regularly posting new articles and my experience in ayurved with paitents. Looking forward for our journey together ! Regards Dr. Chetali Samant